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Qiang active conditioning liquid - eliminate cold

Notopteriological activity:

Deep removal of cold and wind。

Why expel the cold?

Cold is the first of all diseases, cold and self-contained。

Cold is coagulation, coagulation is stasis, stasis is blocked, blocked is impassable, not general pain。

Cold is coagulation, coagulation is stasis, stasis is blocking, blocking is tumor, tumor is cancer。

Cold into the shoulders and neck: Sore shoulder pain, dizziness, headache, poor sleep quality, dull face。

Cold into the waist kidney: lower back pain, decreased libido, frequent urination, cold hands and feet。

Cold into the spleen and stomach: dyspepsia, stomach gas, stomach acid stomach distension。

Cold into the uterus: uterine cold, infertility, spontaneous abortion, dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, uterine fibroids。

Cold into the joints: cloudy rain joint pain, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, cold and wet migration

It's the fastest, and it's prone to rheumatic heart disease

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